Tag Archives: tv shows

Shows You Should Be Watching: #Suits


My first order of business upon arriving back in Los Angeles was to rewatch the first 1.5 seasons of Suits (the second half of season 2 premieres January 17th on USA).

For those of you who are playing the What-Is-Burn-Notice game with Suits, let me download on ya (I have no idea why I put it that way, but it felt right): Suits is the story of one Michael Ross, a stoner with a heart of gold and a ridiculous IQ.  As Mike states in the pilot: “I like to read, and once I read something, I understand it, and once I understand it, I never forget.”

Enter Harvey Spector, the best closer in NYC.  He works at a law firm that only hires from Harvard Law, and it’s time for Harvey to pick a protégé.  But Mr. Spector is looking for something more – someone that he can take on as an associate who reminds him of, well … him.  Ego is everything in the land of lawyers.

A chance meeting finds Mike and Harvey together.  At first it’s a bit of  a “just go with this” premise because Harvey is so impressed by Mike’s law knowledge (and wit) that he offers him a job at his firm, Pearson Hardman – despite the fact that Mike not go to Harvard Law, nor did he even finish college.  And thus the tagline “Two Lawyers, One Degree” comes into play.  Mike, with the knowledge of a lawyer, begins illegally posing as one.

Suits is rounded out with one of the best casts on TV.  Patrick J. Adams and Gabriel Macht shine together as Mike and Harvey.  Their banter (and constant movie quoting) is the stuff of bromance legend.  Gina Torres as Jessica Pearson, Managing Partner of Pearson Hardman, is such a powerful presence.  She’s just … so damn regal, I can’t even.  Megan Markle plays Rachel, Mike’s love interest and the moral compass in his life (their chemistry is delicious, it makes me so jealous).  Rick Hoffman plays Louis, the thorn in Harvey’s side, who desperately wants to be respected and admired by Harvey.  Rick is truly hilarious – his line readings often have me cackling (which is a terrifying sound but you’ve been warned).  Sarah Rafferty is Harvey’s secretary, Donna – and she is without a doubt my favorite character.  Every line should be followed by “HEY-O” or “ZING” or any other kind of those expressions.  My favorite Donna line? “I’m sorry I don’t have a photographic memory, but my brain is too busy being awesome.”  If you knew her, you’d understand.

A lot of people I’ve talked to are put off by this premise because it seems so unbelievable.  But I challenge you: watch the damn show.  You’ll find sharp characters, witty writing and easily enjoyable episodes that merge procedural and serialized better than most shows on TV.  Every episode the actors are on their A-game and by the end of the pilot, I had no trouble believing that if anyone could pull off this kind of deception, it’s Mike Ross and Harvey Spector.

Suits, without a doubt, has become one of my favorite shows on TV.  I RIPPED through my rewatch and was left wanting more.  All episodes are OnDemand and I highly suggest starting right now.  RIGHT NOW, STOP READING THIS AND GO WATCH! (I’m a nerd).